Radiation Oncology Safety Course
A four-day theoretical and practical course facilitating participants to identify factors contributing to near incidents and incidents, the reporting, analysis and management of incidents and reducing incident occurrence
Health Professionals with an interest or involvement in risk management in oncology
Course Dates
2nd – 5th September, 2019
Course Venue
Discipline of Radiation Therapy, School of Medicine, Trinity Centre for Health Sciences, St. James’ Hospital, Dublin 8, Ireland
Aims of the course
To explore the occurrence of incidents and near incidents in radiation oncology, methods of reporting, analysis and management and how incidents can be reduced in the future.
- To heighten awareness of the occurrence of incidents and near incidents in radiotherapy
- To achieve greater accuracy in radiotherapy through incident prevention
- To encourage a culture of openness in relation to incidents
Learning outcomes
- To give participants the tools and understanding of how to minimise the risk of incidents occurring
- To ensure best practices in risk management aiming to enhance safety in radiotherapy
- To enable international collaboration in incident reporting and encourage a culture of reporting incidents
Course fees
Includes course notes, lunches, tea and coffee and course dinner:
Early registration (before 15th June 2019): € 600
Late registration: € 700
Two or more participants from the same centre discount €50 for second or subsequent participants
For further information contact: Adjunct Professor Mary Coffey, Discipline of Radiation Therapy, School of Medicine, Trinity Centre for Health Sciences, St. James’ Hospital, Dublin 8, Ireland.
Tel: 00 353 868599543 Fax: 00 353 1 8963246
Email: mcoffey@tcd.ie
Course lecturers
Mary Coffey
Adjunct Associate Professor,
Discipline of Radiation Therapy, Trinity Centre for Health Science,
St. James’ Hospital, Dublin 8, Ireland
Petra Reijnders-Thijssen M.A.
Manager, Quality and Patient Safety
MAASTRO Clinic, Maastricht, The Netherlands
Geoff Delaney, MBBS, MD, PhD, FRANZCR
Professor and Director of Cancer Services, South Western Sydney Local Health District, Australia.
Todd Pawlicki, PhD
Professor and Vice-Chair of Medical Physics
Division Director
Department of Radiation Medicine and Applied Science,
University of California, San Diego
Tommy Knoos PH.D.
Professor, Medical Physics,
Skane University Hospital and Lund University, Sweden
Programma Radiation Oncology Safety Course: